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705 lines
** Astrolog (Version 4.40) File: xdevice.c
** IMPORTANT NOTICE: The graphics database and chart display routines
** used in this program are Copyright (C) 1991-1995 by Walter D. Pullen
** (astara@u.washington.edu). Permission is granted to freely use and
** distribute these routines provided one doesn't sell, restrict, or
** profit from them in any way. Modification is allowed provided these
** notices remain with any altered or edited versions of the program.
** The main planetary calculation routines used in this program have
** been Copyrighted and the core of this program is basically a
** conversion to C of the routines created by James Neely as listed in
** Michael Erlewine's 'Manual of Computer Programming for Astrologers',
** available from Matrix Software. The copyright gives us permission to
** use the routines for personal use but not to sell them or profit from
** them in any way.
** The PostScript code within the core graphics routines are programmed
** and Copyright (C) 1992-1993 by Brian D. Willoughby
** (brianw@sounds.wa.com). Conditions are identical to those above.
** The extended accurate ephemeris databases and formulas are from the
** calculation routines in the program "Placalc" and are programmed and
** Copyright (C) 1989,1991,1993 by Astrodienst AG and Alois Treindl
** (alois@azur.ch). The use of that source code is subject to
** regulations made by Astrodienst Zurich, and the code is not in the
** public domain. This copyright notice must not be changed or removed
** by any user of this program.
** Initial programming 8/28,30, 9/10,13,16,20,23, 10/3,6,7, 11/7,10,21/1991.
** X Window graphics initially programmed 10/23-29/1991.
** PostScript graphics initially programmed 11/29-30/1992.
** Last code change made 1/29/1995.
#include "astrolog.h"
#ifdef GRAPH
** Bitmap File Routines.
/* Write the bitmap array to a previously opened file in a format that */
/* can be read in by the Unix X commands bitmap and xsetroot. The 'mode' */
/* parameter defines how much white space is put in the file. */
void WriteXBitmap(file, name, mode)
FILE *file;
char *name, mode;
int x, y, i, temp = 0;
_int value;
fprintf(file, "#define %s_width %d\n" , name, gs.xWin);
fprintf(file, "#define %s_height %d\n", name, gs.yWin);
fprintf(file, "static %s %s_bits[] = {",
mode != 'V' ? "char" : "short", name);
for (y = 0; y < gs.yWin; y++) {
x = 0;
do {
/* Process each row, eight columns at a time. */
if (y + x > 0)
fprintf(file, ",");
if (temp == 0)
fprintf(file, "\n%s",
mode == 'N' ? " " : (mode == 'C' ? " " : ""));
value = 0;
for (i = (mode != 'V' ? 7 : 15); i >= 0; i--)
value = (value << 1) + (!(FBmGet(gi.bm, x+i, y)^
(gs.fInverse*15))^gs.fInverse && (x + i < gs.xWin));
if (mode == 'N')
putc(' ', file);
fprintf(file, "0x");
if (mode == 'V')
fprintf(file, "%c%c",
ChHex(value >> 12), ChHex((value >> 8) & 15));
fprintf(file, "%c%c",
ChHex((value >> 4) & 15), ChHex(value & 15));
/* Is it time to skip to the next line while writing the file yet? */
if ((mode == 'N' && temp >= 12) ||
(mode == 'C' && temp >= 15) ||
(mode == 'V' && temp >= 11))
temp = 0;
x += (mode != 'V' ? 8 : 16);
} while (x < gs.xWin);
fprintf(file, "};\n");
/* Write the bitmap array to a previously opened file in a simple boolean */
/* Ascii rectangle, one char per pixel, where '#' represents an off bit and */
/* '-' an on bit. The output format is identical to the format generated by */
/* the Unix bmtoa command, and it can be converted into a bitmap with atobm. */
void WriteAscii(file)
FILE *file;
int x, y, i;
for (y = 0; y < gs.yWin; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < gs.xWin; x++) {
i = FBmGet(gi.bm, x, y);
if (gs.fColor)
putc(ChHex(i), file);
putc(i ? '-' : '#', file);
putc('\n', file);
/* Write the bitmap array to a previously opened file in the bitmap format */
/* used in Microsoft Windows for its .bmp extension files. This is a pretty */
/* efficient format, only requiring a small header, and one bit per pixel */
/* for monochrome graphics, or four bits per pixel for full color. */
void WriteBmp(file)
FILE *file;
int x, y;
dword value;
/* Note that we sometimes only write a part of the full bitmap to disk */
/* during the call, as done when the bitmap is being generated in bands. */
if (gi.yBand == 0 || gi.yOffset + gi.yBand >= gs.yWin) {
/* BitmapFileHeader */
PutByte('B'); PutByte('M');
PutLong(14+40 + (gs.fColor ? 64 : 8) +
(long)4*gs.yWin*((gs.xWin-1 >> (gs.fColor ? 3 : 5))+1));
PutWord(0); PutWord(0);
PutLong(14+40 + (gs.fColor ? 64 : 8));
/* BitmapInfo / BitmapInfoHeader */
PutLong(gs.xWin); PutLong(gs.yWin);
PutWord(1); PutWord(gs.fColor ? 4 : 1);
PutLong(0 /*BI_RGB*/); PutLong(0);
PutLong(0); PutLong(0);
PutLong(0); PutLong(0);
/* RgbQuad */
if (gs.fColor)
for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
PutByte(RGBB(rgbbmp[x])); PutByte(RGBG(rgbbmp[x]));
PutByte(RGBR(rgbbmp[x])); PutByte(0);
else {
PutByte(255); PutByte(255); PutByte(255); PutByte(0);
/* Data */
for (y = (gi.yBand ? Min(gi.yBand, gs.yWin - gi.yOffset) : gs.yWin) - 1;
y >= 0; y--) {
value = 0;
for (x = 0; x < gs.xWin; x++) {
if ((x & (gs.fColor ? 7 : 31)) == 0 && x > 0) {
value = 0;
if (gs.fColor)
value |= (dword)FBmGet(gi.bm, x, y) << ((x & 7 ^ 1) << 2);
if (FBmGet(gi.bm, x, y))
value |= (dword)1 << (x & 31 ^ 7);
/* Begin the work of creating a graphics file. Prompt for a filename if */
/* need be, and if valid, create the file and open it for writing. */
void BeginFileX()
char line[cchSzDef];
if (gi.szFileOut == NULL && (
#ifdef PS
gi.fEps ||
gs.fMeta || (gs.fBitmap && gs.chBmpMode == 'B'))) {
sprintf(line, "(It is recommended to specify an extension of '.%s'.)\n",
gs.fBitmap ? "bmp" :
#ifdef PS
(gi.fEps ? "eps" : "wmf")
loop {
if (gi.szFileOut == NULL) {
sprintf(line, "Enter name of file to write %s to",
gs.fBitmap ? "bitmap" : (gs.fPS ? "PostScript" : "metafile"));
InputString(line, line);
gi.szFileOut = line;
gi.file = fopen(gi.szFileOut, gs.fPS ? "w" : "wb");
if (gi.file != NULL)
else {
PrintWarning("Couldn't create output file.");
gi.szFileOut = NULL;
/* Finish up the work of creating a graphics file. This basically consists */
/* of just calling the appropriate routine to actually write the data in */
/* memory to a file for bitmaps and metafiles, although for PostScript we */
/* just close file as we were already writing while creating the chart. */
void EndFileX()
char sz[cchSzDef];
if (gs.fBitmap) {
if (gi.yBand) {
sprintf(sz, "Writing part %d of chart bitmap to file.",
gi.yOffset / gi.yBand + 1);
} else
PrintNotice("Writing chart bitmap to file.");
if (gs.chBmpMode == 'B')
else if (gs.chBmpMode == 'A')
WriteXBitmap(gi.file, gi.szFileOut, gs.chBmpMode);
#ifdef PS
else if (gs.fPS)
#ifdef META
else {
PrintNotice("Writing metafile to disk.");
if (!gs.fBitmap || gi.yOffset == 0) {
gi.yBand = 0;
#ifdef PS
** PostScript File Routines.
/* Table of PostScript header alias lines used by the program. */
CONST char FAR szPsFunctions[] =
"/languagelevel where{pop languagelevel}{1}ifelse\
2 lt{\n\
/sf{exch findfont exch\
dup type/arraytype eq{makefont}{scalefont}ifelse setfont}bind def\n\
/rf{gsave newpath\n\
4 -2 roll moveto\
dup 0 exch rlineto exch 0 rlineto neg 0 exch rlineto closepath\n\
fill grestore}bind def\n\
4 -2 roll moveto\
dup 0 exch rlineto exch 0 rlineto neg 0 exch rlineto closepath\n\
clip newpath}bind def\n\
}{/sf/selectfont load def/rf/rectfill load def\
/rc/rectclip load def}ifelse\n\
/center{0 begin gsave dup 4 2 roll\
translate newpath 0 0 moveto\
false charpath flattenpath pathbbox\
/URy exch def/URx exch def/LLy exch def/LLx exch def\
URx LLx sub 0.5 mul LLx add neg URy LLy sub 0.5 mul LLy add neg\
0 0 moveto rmoveto\
show grestore end}bind def\n\
/center load 0 4 dict put\n\
/c{setrgbcolor}bind def\n\
/d{moveto 0 0 rlineto}bind def\n\
/l{4 2 roll moveto lineto}bind def\n\
/t{lineto}bind def\n\
/el{newpath matrix currentmatrix 5 1 roll translate scale\
0 0 1 0 360 arc setmatrix stroke}bind def\n";
/* Write a command to flush the PostScript buffer. */
void PsStrokeForce()
if (gi.cStroke > 0) { /* render any existing path */
fprintf(gi.file, "stroke\n");
gi.cStroke = 0;
gi.xPen = -1; /* Invalidate PolyLine cache */
/* Indicate that a certain number of PostScript commands have been done. */
void PsStroke(n)
int n;
gi.cStroke += n;
if (gi.cStroke > 2000) /* Whenever we reach a certain limit, flush. */
/* Set the type of line end to be used by PostScript commands. If linecap */
/* is true, then the line ends are rounded, otherwise they are squared. */
void PsLineCap(fLineCap)
bool fLineCap;
if (fLineCap != gi.fLineCap) {
fprintf(gi.file, "%d setlinecap\n", fLineCap);
gi.fLineCap = fLineCap;
/* Set the dash length to be used by PostScript line commands. */
void PsDash(dashoff)
int dashoff;
if (dashoff != gi.nDash) {
if (dashoff)
fprintf(gi.file, "[%d %d", PSMUL, dashoff * PSMUL);
fprintf(gi.file, "[");
fprintf(gi.file, "]0 setdash\n");
gi.nDash = dashoff;
/* Set a linewidth size to be used by PostScript figure primitive commands. */
void PsLineWidth(linewidth)
int linewidth;
if ((real)linewidth != gi.rLineWid) {
fprintf(gi.file, "%d setlinewidth\n", linewidth);
gi.rLineWid = (real)linewidth;
/* Set a system font and size to be used by PostScript text commands. */
void PsFont(psfont)
int psfont;
int z;
if (psfont != gi.nFont && gs.fFont) {
if (psfont <= 2) {
z = psfont == 1 ? 32*PSMUL : 23*PSMUL;
fprintf(gi.file, "/Astro[%d 0 0 -%d 0 0]sf\n", z, z);
} else if (psfont == 3) {
z = 26*PSMUL;
fprintf(gi.file, "/Times-Roman[%d 0 0 -%d 0 0]sf\n", z, z);
} else {
z = 10*PSMUL;
fprintf(gi.file, "/Courier[%d 0 0 -%d 0 0]sf\n", z, z);
gi.nFont = psfont;
/* Prompt the user for the name of a file to write the PostScript file to */
/* (if not already specified), open it, and write out file header info. */
void PsBegin()
fprintf(gi.file, "%%!PS-Adobe-2.0");
if (gi.fEps)
fprintf(gi.file, " EPSF-2.0");
fprintf(gi.file, "\n%%%%Title: %s\n", gi.szFileOut);
fprintf(gi.file, "%%%%Creator: %s %s\n", szAppName, szVersionCore);
fprintf(gi.file, "%%%%CreationDate: %s\n", szDateCore);
if (gi.fEps) {
fprintf(gi.file, "%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d\n", gs.xWin, gs.yWin);
fprintf(gi.file, "%%%%EndComments\n");
fprintf(gi.file, "%%%%BeginSetup\n");
fprintf(gi.file, szPsFunctions, 6 * PSMUL, 6 * PSMUL);
fprintf(gi.file, "%%%%EndSetup\n");
fprintf(gi.file, "0 0 %d %d rc\n", gs.xWin, gs.yWin);
} else {
fprintf(gi.file, "%%%%Pages: 1 1\n");
fprintf(gi.file, "%%%%DocumentFonts: (atend)\n");
fprintf(gi.file, "%%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %d\n", PSGUTTER, PSGUTTER,
fprintf(gi.file, "%%%%EndComments\n");
fprintf(gi.file, "%%%%BeginProcSet: common\n");
fprintf(gi.file, szPsFunctions, 6 * PSMUL, 6 * PSMUL);
fprintf(gi.file, "%%%%EndProcSet\n");
fprintf(gi.file, "%%%%Page: 1 1\n");
fprintf(gi.file, "gsave\n");
gi.xPen = -1;
PrintNotice("Creating PostScript chart file.");
/* Write out trailing information to the PostScript file and close it. */
void PsEnd()
if (gi.fEps)
fprintf(gi.file, "%%%%EOF\n");
else {
fprintf(gi.file, "showpage\n");
fprintf(gi.file, "%%%%PageTrailer\n");
fprintf(gi.file, "%%%%Trailer\n");
fprintf(gi.file, "%%%%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman\n");
if (gs.fFont) {
fprintf(gi.file, "%%%%+ Courier\n");
fprintf(gi.file, "%%%%+ Astro\n");
#endif /* PS */
#ifdef META
** Metafile Routines.
/* Output one 16 bit or 32 bit value into the metafile buffer stream. */
void MetaWord(w)
word w;
char sz[cchSzDef];
if ((hpbyte)gi.pwMetaCur - gi.bm >= gi.cbMeta) {
sprintf(sz, "Metafile would be more than %ld bytes.", gi.cbMeta);
*gi.pwMetaCur = w;
void MetaLong(l)
long l;
/* Output any necessary metafile records to make the current actual */
/* settings of line color, fill color, etc, be those that we know are */
/* desired. This is generally called by the primitives routines before */
/* any figure record is actually written into a metafile. We wait until */
/* the last moment before changing any settings to ensure that we don't */
/* output any unnecessary records, e.g. two select colors in a row. */
void MetaSelect()
if (gi.kiLineDes != gi.kiLineAct) {
gi.kiLineAct = gi.kiLineDes;
if (gi.kiFillDes != gi.kiFillAct) {
MetaSelectObject(16*4 + gi.kiFillDes);
gi.kiFillAct = gi.kiFillDes;
if (gi.nFontDes != gi.nFontAct) {
MetaSelectObject(16*5 + gi.nFontDes);
gi.nFontAct = gi.nFontDes;
if (gi.kiTextDes != gi.kiTextAct) {
gi.kiTextAct = gi.kiTextDes;
if (gi.nAlignDes != gi.nAlignAct) {
gi.nAlignAct = gi.nAlignDes;
gi.xPen = -1; /* Invalidate PolyLine cache */
/* Output initial metafile header information into our metafile buffer. */
/* We also setup and create all pen, brush, and font objects that may */
/* possibly be used in the generation and playing of the picture. */
void MetaInit()
int i, j, k;
gi.pwMetaCur = (word HFAR *)gi.bm;
/* Placable Metaheader */
MetaWord(0); /* Not used */
MetaWord(0); MetaWord(0);
MetaWord(gs.xWin); MetaWord(gs.yWin);
MetaWord(gs.xWin/6); /* Units per inch */
MetaLong(0L); /* Not used */
MetaWord(0x9AC6 ^ 0xCDD7 ^ gs.xWin ^ gs.yWin ^ gs.xWin/6); /* Checksum */
/* Metaheader */
MetaWord(1); /* Metafile type */
MetaWord(9); /* Size of header in words */
MetaWord(0x300); /* Windows version */
MetaLong(0L); /* Size of entire metafile in words */
MetaWord(16*5+1+(gs.fFont>0)*4); /* Number of objects in metafile */
MetaLong(17L); /* Size of largest record in words */
MetaWord(0); /* Not used */
/* Setup */
MetaLong(LFromBB('A', 's', 't', 'r')); /* "Astr" */
MetaWord(4); /* Creator */
MetaLong(14L); /* Bytes in string */
MetaLong(LFromBB('A', 's', 't', 'r')); /* "Astr" */
MetaLong(LFromBB('o', 'l', 'o', 'g')); /* "olog" */
MetaLong(LFromBB(' ', '4', '.', '4')); /* " 4.4" */
MetaWord(WFromBB('0', 0)); /* "0" */
MetaWindowOrg(0, 0);
MetaWindowExt(gs.xWin, gs.yWin);
MetaBkMode(1 /* Transparent */);
/* Colors */
for (j = 1; j <= 4; j++)
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
k = j <= 1 ? gi.nPenWid : 0;
MetaCreatePen(j <= 2 ? 0 : j-2 /* PS_SOLID; PS_DASH; PS_DOT */,
k, rgbbmp[i]);
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
MetaCreateBrush(0 /* BS_SOLID */, rgbbmp[i]);
MetaCreateBrush(1 /* BS_NULL */, 0L);
/* Fonts */
if (gs.fFont) {
MetaCreateFont(5, 0, -8*gi.nScale, 2 /* Symbol Charset */);
MetaWord(WFromBB(1 /* Draft */, 1 | 0x10 /* Fixed | Roman */));
MetaLong(LFromBB('W', 'i', 'n', 'g'));
MetaLong(LFromBB('d', 'i', 'n', 'g'));
MetaWord(WFromBB('s', 0));
MetaCreateFont(8, 0, -6*gi.nScale, 0 /* Ansi Charset */);
MetaWord(WFromBB(0 /* Default */, 2 | 0x10 /* Variable | Roman */));
MetaLong(LFromBB('T', 'i', 'm', 'e'));
MetaLong(LFromBB('s', ' ', 'N', 'e'));
MetaLong(LFromBB('w', ' ', 'R', 'o'));
MetaLong(LFromBB('m', 'a', 'n', 0));
MetaCreateFont(6, 6*METAMUL, 10*METAMUL, 0 /* Ansi Charset */);
MetaWord(WFromBB(1 /* Draft */, 1 | 0x30 /* Fixed | Modern */));
MetaLong(LFromBB('C', 'o', 'u', 'r'));
MetaLong(LFromBB('i', 'e', 'r', ' '));
MetaLong(LFromBB('N', 'e', 'w', 0));
MetaCreateFont(8, 0, -11*gi.nScale, 0 /* Ansi Charset */);
MetaWord(WFromBB(0 /* Default */, 2 | 0 /* Variable | Don't Care */));
MetaLong(LFromBB('A', 's', 't', 'r'));
MetaLong(LFromBB('o', '-', 'S', 'e'));
MetaLong(LFromBB('m', 'i', 'B', 'o'));
MetaLong(LFromBB('l', 'd', 0, 0));
/* Output trailing records to indicate the end of the metafile and then */
/* actually write out the entire buffer to the specifed file. */
void WriteMeta(file)
FILE *file;
word HFAR *w;
int i;
for (i = 16*5+1+(gs.fFont>0)*4; i >= 0; i--) {
MetaRecord(3, 0); /* End record */
*(long HFAR *)(gi.bm + 22 + 6) =
((long)((hpbyte)gi.pwMetaCur - gi.bm) - 22) / 2;
for (w = (word HFAR *)gi.bm; w < gi.pwMetaCur; w++) {
#endif /* META */
#ifdef MOUSE
#ifdef PC
** Mouse Routines.
static union REGS dosreg;
/* Setup and initialize the PC graphics mouse, returning the number of */
/* buttons available, or zero for no mouse at all. Passed in is the pixel */
/* size of the screen the mouse pointer is to be contained within. */
int MouseInit(x, y)
int x, y;
int dx, cBtn;
if (!gs.fMouse)
return 0;
dosreg.x.ax = 0;
int86(0x33, &dosreg, &dosreg);
if (!(gs.fMouse = dosreg.x.ax))
return 0;
cBtn = dosreg.x.bx;
dx = x - 1;
dosreg.x.ax = 7;
dosreg.x.cx = 0;
dosreg.x.dx = dx;
int86(0x33, &dosreg, &dosreg);
dx = y - 1;
dosreg.x.ax = 8;
dosreg.x.cx = 0;
dosreg.x.dx = dx;
int86(0x33, &dosreg, &dosreg);
return cBtn;
/* Turn on or hide the PC graphics mouse pointer. */
void MouseShow(fShow)
bool fShow;
int ax;
if (!gs.fMouse)
ax = fShow ? 1 : 2;
dosreg.x.ax = ax;
int86(0x33, &dosreg, &dosreg);
/* Fill out the current status of the mouse: its horizontal and vertical */
/* position, and button press status. We return false if the mouse hasn't */
/* changed any from the last call (assuming that the previous values are */
/* stored in the input parameters) or if the mouse isn't active at all. */
bool MouseStatus(x, y, btn)
int *x, *y, *btn;
int bx, cx, dx, fChange;
if (!gs.fMouse)
return fFalse;
dosreg.x.ax = 3;
int86(0x33, &dosreg, &dosreg);
bx = dosreg.x.bx;
cx = dosreg.x.cx;
dx = dosreg.x.dx;
fChange = (cx != *x || dx != *y || bx != *btn);
*x = cx;
*y = dx;
*btn = bx;
return fChange;
#endif /* PC */
#endif /* MOUSE */
#endif /* GRAPH */
/* xdevice.c */